I don’t know whether you’ve ever seen the magazine programme “the one show” on BBC 1 every night at 7pm. It contains an eclectic mix of magazine type material that you tend to find on breakfast television, only it’s on in the evening; if you’ve never seen it before, think Blue Peter – but for adults.
There was an article on just before Christmas (I know that's long gone now, but I just remembered about it, and it upset me), featuring Carole Thatcher interviewing different people who made up her modern day nativity scene. One example was a farmer, a modern day shepherd, who still had to get up at 5am on Christmas day to milk his dairy herd. This countryside connection naturally struck a chord with me, but I have to say that after the doctors for wise men who also still had to work Christmas day, I was weary after a few minutes, and grew somewhat agitated. Right at the centre of the scene sat a plastic model of Jesus. This I thought, was typical of our western worldview (which I do incidentally love - lest I would be carving this in stone tablets, not posting it on my blog.)
We make Jesus into a girl, we make him into a white American from the 1970s and worst of all we make him into a powerless plastic model, an inanimate object incapable of anything vaguely like humanity or divinity. In fact it seems that we make him into everything but the transformational Middle Eastern refugee human yet God that he was, who came to heal the world through his life, death, resurrection and spirit. Please- don’t make Christ into what you have made his world of.