I write this to you as my first blog out of Eden, in Oldham, Greater Manchester. An update so far: The night I moved, my parents' car got broken into. Thankfully only two items were taken and no one was hurt, but if you see a pair of conga drums sitting in an Oldham back street, do give me a ring!
I'm staying with hosts until I get my own place. I am currently in the process of filling out a housing application, so I would value your prayers that the process would be as quick as possible, or I face the prospect of moving several times, which is obviously not desirable.Some reflections:
God is good and I adore him. He allows us to enter his presence and be with him and experience just a glimpse of his glory, yet this glimpse makes us in awe of him... how great must he really be?!
There is a real sense of community here - earlier I was introduced to a lady and went into her house for a cup of tea - I ended up staying for a couple of hours and being invited round to watch a football game at their house next saturday! And they're not even Christians!
This might sound random and not in keeping witht the rest of my blog, but I watched a Richard Dawkins documentary the other day (an activity that never ceases to raise my blood pressure). My conclusion is that scientists like Dawkins will never understand artists like God. But yes, a lot of homeopathic medicine is wierd and does not work!
This blog is not nearly as punchy or good as the last one, but I'm tired, it's late and I'm recovering from a visit to ASDA today (three good reasons why my brain can be excused from working as it normally does!)