Thursday, 21 February 2008

God loves prostitutes

After watching the news last night, this was my realisation, as I sat, hearing about a man convicted of killing 5 working girls in Ipswich. Switching off channel4, I felt a profound sense of sadness for those women. 5 lives all with massive potential, women in need of help... wasted.

I have no doubt that Jesus was the most subversive man who ever lived. As Jesus sits and eats in the house of Simon (a Pharisee), a very brave woman, who The Message Translation brands "the town harlot" comes to him, weeps on Jesus' feet, wipes them with her hair and pours perfume on them.

The Disciples are outraged, The Pharisees are incensed and Jesus is anointed with a Jar of perfume that a prostitute would have used in her trade to lure men. It's shocking isn't it?! God loves prostitutes.