Friday 29 August 2008

my kitchen conviction

Tonight's oversight was classic. Just as we were expecting a guest for the evening (it was late, but you realise that time is an elastic entity when you are a student!) I opened the washing machine door to be greeted by a foul smell. My washing, which had been there for a few days (call me a scruff, it's been said more than once this week) wreaked to high heaven. As I slopped it out of the drum, the cloudy rancid water it was sat it splashed on our new vinyl floor.

Something was clearly amiss. Suddenly I realised that earlier, I had nonchalantly pushed the filter cover back in, thinking a tradesman had knocked it clumsily as he sidled across the room. How wrong could I be. One of the young people checked the waste water pipe, I checked the other two. It was fine, everything plumbed in correctly. And my attempts to blame the builders (my new favourite people!) were dashed. Suddenly I remembered the filter cover. I opened it up, and began to unscrew the cap. Sure enough, the entire contents of the drum, the rancid water left for 4 days emptied itself onto the crisp grey vinyl.

It's amazing how we miss what's under our noses, blame anonymous scapegoats without an attorney, then realise that our mistakes have led to this catastrophe. I hate wet feet. But the floor will be dry in the morning and so will my toes. I'm glad that God's mercy (like my socks) is fresh every morning.

Saturday 2 August 2008

the controversy of Jesus

I'm not gifted at biblical exegesis. If you want to ask her, my Biblical studies teacher will give you the lowdown! I'm hardly a theological heavyweight either. But I was amazed today as I read that most accurate of translations (the message) and discovered something amazing. For those of you who don't know, the message version is basically a paraphrase of the bible in today's (american!) english. It's great with young people of our MTV generation though. I realised something wierd and amazing; Jesus heals someone by spitting in his face.

Now generally, healing is considered a good thing... I've got a cut - great it's healed up. Last week's blisters from sun burn - great they are healed, I can wear a t-shirt without having to peal it off in agony afterwards. But Jesus heals by spitting right in someone's face. This is amazing!

As he is being beaten up by soldiers, Jesus is spat at, he's beaten up and his mocked. He's stripped and then he's hit with a whip until he's nearly dead. Yet he makes a mud pie from some spit and dust, then rubs it in a blind man's eyes... suddenly he can see. The same act that heals this man, spitting in his face, which was pretty rude, is the same act which formed part of Jesus humiliation. I just love the controversy of Jesus' new kingdom... it makes such a statement to our proud and polished world... it's gritty, disgracefully gracious, unbelievably faithful. It's a relentlessly loud, yet deliberately humble and secretive wave of true hope which surges through the community of the society in which Jesus lived.

For me, it brings a whole new meaning to the words "your kingdom come!"